Why water colours are great for beginners
Anyone who has tried to paint before knows that it’s a lot easier to get messy when you’re using a traditional oil-based medium. But if you want to try your hand at painting with watercolors, here are a few reasons why they are the perfect choice for beginners.
Fast-drying medium
Watercolors dry very fast, making them perfect for those who don’t have a lot of time to devote to practicing their craft. They are also more forgiving than regular oils when it comes to getting messy — the medium doesn’t require as much precision or attention from the artist.
Affordable and accessible
Watercolour paints are significantly less expensive than oil-based paints, so they’re an affordable way for beginners to get started without breaking the bank. They’re available in many different colors and brands like Kokuyo Camlin so there’s no need to worry about finding something you like!
Easy to clean
Watercolours are also very easy to clean up after you’ve finished painting. You can wipe it off right away with a damp cloth or paper towel if needed. This means that when you’re done painting, there’s no waiting around while your paint dries-you can get back to what matters most: the actual work at hand!
Creating textures
Finally, watercolours have a tendency to produce more interesting results than other mediums. For example, oils tend to produce uniform color across large surfaces; acrylics tend towards dark tones; and tempera tends towards lighter tones. Watercolours fall somewhere in between these three mediums in terms of how they absorb light.
Looking for a fool-proof watercolour set to start your artist journey? Camel Artist Water Colours are here for you!
Originally published at http://kokuyocamlin.wordpress.com on September 1, 2022.
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